AGFA - CR 30-X
AGFA CR 30-X Forums
The machine doesn't complete self test, hence leading to a bridge in communication between the digitizer and the workstation
Equipment: AGFA CR 30-Xm
RE: AGFA - CR 30-XCR 30-X
An installation package for the product CA 30% cannot be found. Try the installation again using a valid copy of the installation package 'Setup CR 30X 1908.mail
Equipment: AGFA - CR 30-X
RE: AGFA - CR 30-XThe cassette is not getting out and giving 6199 error. What is the problem
Equipment: AGFA - CR 30-X
RE: AGFA - CR 30-XThe digitizer show triple flashing red and the PC show no erreur message
Equipment: AGFA - CR 30-Xm
RE: AGFA - CR 30-XEquipment: AGFA - CR 30-X
RE: AGFA - CR 30-XPSP and tray - how are they connected? Is the PSP bonded to the tray? If the PSP separates from the tray can it be re-attached using double sided tape or some other adhesive?
RE: AGFA - CR 30-X- Red blinking continuously on the User Interface Board , connection not make between NX workstation and Digtizer . I have changed FireWire Cable but still not working. In the PMI board led from the +12VOPT to the +5VPMT, only +12V_CAN and +8VDSP led is on. Do I have to change PMI board or PMI power distribution board ? Please anyone help me in what to do next.
Equipment: Agfa CR 30-X
RE: AGFA - CR 30-X