Nasiff - CardioCard PC Based Holter ECG System
by Nasiff

Nasiff CardioCard PC Based Holter ECG System Forums

Added  Mar 27 2016
0 Replies

i purchased the cardiosuit in 2015 ( ecg, stress and holter): it was very dissapointing: lost signal every time i used... it has an uggly interface... very poor in details, with caotic final report... it finally stop working with only 4 hr of use! i tried to return it to mr benjamin from nasiff but he told me he didnt sold it ( it was some of theis dealers) ... here in my country( lima Peru) we work with mortara xscribe 5 : a lot better product, but very expensive... recently i purchase a chinese product very similar to mortara (contec 8000s) and more cheap ( less than 1k): it has the same interface from mortara and really easy to setup and use!!

if someone is interested in buy my cardiocard please send me email:

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