Leica Microsystems - ATC 2000
by Leica Microsystems

Leica Microsystems ATC 2000 Forums

Updated  Feb 26 2023
1 Reply

looking for new number plats that go on the stage. they are glued on

Equipment: Leica ATC2000

RE: Leica Microsystems - ATC 2000
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How do I troubleshoot the light system in a Leica ATC 2000?

RE: Leica Microsystems - ATC 2000
Added  Aug 22 2016
Added  Feb 12 2016
0 Replies

How do I install a 40X oil lens on a Leica ATC 2000 microscope?

RE: Leica Microsystems - ATC 2000
Updated  Sep 17 2014
1 Reply



I have a Leica microscope ATC2000 that I'm looking for service manual in order to replace the mechanical stage?

Any Help?

RE: Leica Microsystems - ATC 2000

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Equipment Name: Leica Microsystems - ATC 2000
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