Stryker - 5400-50 CORE Console
by Stryker

Stryker 5400-50 CORE Console Forums

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what is PM frequency

Equipment: Stryker - 5400-50 CORE Console

RE: Stryker - 5400-50 CORE Console
Added  Apr 10 2023
0 Replies

My Stryker Core console is giving me this error message...stryker core console Main Board EEPROM (I2C bus) Communication Error.  

Equipment: Stryker Core Console

RE: Stryker - 5400-50 CORE Console
Updated  Jan 26 2023
1 Reply

Error: Expired tag I get this error when plugging a shaver into the console. Is this an error with the console or with the handpiece?

RE: Stryker - 5400-50 CORE Console
Updated  Nov 2 2021
5 Replies

Is there a way to calibrate the touch screen? I can get to the point where there is a small red square in upper left corner, but not sure how to proceed, nothing I do works. Thanks for any help.

RE: Stryker - 5400-50 CORE Console
Updated  Mar 26 2021
2 Replies

hello, unit does turn on, but there is no display, the touchscreen still works, all green indicators on inside of unit are on, what could be the reason why there is no display, thanks all for time and input

RE: Stryker - 5400-50 CORE Console
Added  Oct 15 2020
0 Replies

My machine working properly only touch break I ordered new touch before I change machine goes down now not working no LED SIGNALS but voltage comes every wear . What is the prob

RE: Stryker - 5400-50 CORE Console
Added  Dec 10 2019
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FAULT: CONSOLE ERROR Handpiece 1 Micro Communication Fault Handpiece 2 Micro Communication Fault Handpiece 3 Micro Communication Fault Footswitch 1 Micro communication fault Footswitch 2 Micro communication fault Pump Micro Communication fault NOVRAM Micro Communication Fault FRID Micro Communication Fault That is what it says when it is turned on&

RE: Stryker - 5400-50 CORE Console
Updated  Dec 4 2018
10 Replies

May pls send to me the service manual for the Stryker - 5400-50 CORE Console and core micro drill

RE: Stryker - 5400-50 CORE Console
Updated  Dec 21 2017

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Equipment Name: Stryker - 5400-50 CORE Console
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