Fujifilm - FCR Prima T2
by Fujifilm

Fujifilm FCR Prima T2 Forums

Updated  Aug 28 2024
1 Reply

I need add some options for CR 


Best regards 

Equipment: Fujifilm - CR pierma t2

RE: Fujifilm - FCR Prima T2
Updated  Aug 24 2024
1 Reply

Please anyone can help me. 

I have a FCR PRIMA T2 when I turn it on all the front lights stay on and the device does not initialize. Please who can help me to solve my problem. mits.bf@gmail.com

RE: Fujifilm - FCR Prima T2
Added  Aug 24 2024
0 Replies

Please anyone can help me. 

I have a FCR PRIMA T2 when I turn it on all the front lights stay on and the device does not initialize. Please what can help me to solve my problem. mits.bf@gmail.com

RE: Fujifilm - FCR Prima T2
Updated  Apr 17 2024
3 Replies

I have an IP stuck in the processor and cannot find a way to get it out.

Equipment: Fuji prima T2

RE: Fujifilm - FCR Prima T2
2 Replies

anyone can you please help me with my problem I unplugged the ethernet cable from FUJIFILM FCR PRIMA T2 to the pc and I connect the pc to the internet lan then I troubleshoot the internet when I plugged again the ethernet cable from FUJIFILM FCR PRIMA T2  the machine say OFL and when I open the application there's a warning says "THIS SYSTEM  CANNOT BE USED ON YOUR COMPUTER USED IT ON DULY REGISTERED COMPUTER" huhuhu please kindly help me :( 

RE: Fujifilm - FCR Prima T2
Updated  Sep 26 2023
1 Reply

RU-Tool askes for License Key, please anyone can offer some help 

RE: Fujifilm - FCR Prima T2
Updated  Aug 11 2023
1 Reply

Fujifilm console advance, CR-ir392

There are such errors, what should I do?

RE: Fujifilm - FCR Prima T2
0 Replies

Digitizer fuji prima t2 initialization is completely normally. Between reading and erasing show above error.

RE: Fujifilm - FCR Prima T2
Added  Dec 18 2022
0 Replies

Fuji Prima T cassette stuck. Is there a manual release?

Equipment: Fuji Prima T

RE: Fujifilm - FCR Prima T2
1 Reply

Hello everybody. As already mentioned, error 20760 It occurs every time I select the study area, in the worst case I need more information about solving the problem or re-installing the CR.

Equipment: Fujifilm - FCR Prima T2

RE: Fujifilm - FCR Prima T2

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Equipment Name: Fujifilm - FCR Prima T2
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