Where can I buy a headrest for the Ritter 75.
Broken Headrest

You need to determine the exact model and serial number of your device and then go to http://www.midmark.com/technicallibrary/Medical.html
and select Power Tables, use the resulting menu to locate your unit and select service manual. Once you access the service manual you can look in the parts section for your exact part(s) needed. Once you ID the part number(s) of the parts you need, you can then check to see if Midmark has them or, if no longer supported, you can make an exact request here or online to see what might be available used. Good luck.
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Or get model# and serial # from back of chair and phone 1800-643-6275 choose medical division tech support and ask for part # availability and list price and whom in your local area you can purchase part from.
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