Noisy fan motor, noise is abated with slight clockwise pressure to fan motor (when facing unit faceplate). However, noise returns as unit warms up. Any suggestions?
Noisy fan motor

Probably the propeller in the basin rubbing against the plastic cage and hose assy. open up the basin & check the propeller.
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Typically a noisy or slow moving pump would cause the overheat to trip; are you having this problem?
As Gary suggested check impeller; if no crack or visible wear the bushings are worn on the motor; replace motor!
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Thanks, it was the impeller hitting the pump housing. This pump has taken a couple of falls and the motor mounts are a bit askew. No matter what I tried short of replacing the tray would remedy the problem so I ended taking a Dremel to the impeller vanes and slightly shortening them equally.
Rick Trexler, RVT, CBET
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No overheating issues. See reply to Gary's post. Thanks for the input.
Rick Trexler, RVT, CBET
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