I have a zoll M series Ext-Biphasic defib and the display is suddenly upside down? any explanation for this or any ideas how to fix?
Upside down display

Here's the service manual.
It's probably the display, but you should contact Zoll
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You can start by replacing the flex cable between the slide up front panel and the the inside PCB. Be sure to release the clamps at each end first..I think the cable is about $20. If that doesn't solve the problem then the board inside the slide up pane./ display may need to be changed also. Good luck.
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We had that issue first thing we did was reset the connectors on the front panel to see if worked per Zoll. Did not end up replacing front panel display.
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I had the same problem presented to me with another piece of Zoll equipment. Can't remember what it was, but the fix was to remove the battery and totally power off the unit. It had a touch screen, the touch screen remained the same just the display upside down. Talk about weird to use! About a couple of hours after the battery was disconnected I powered the unit up and it was fine.
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You must tear down front panel. Under chasis from front site are 2 longer screews. Carefully pull up front panel ca. 2cm up. Carefully because there are 2 wires - flex and lcd cable. On the rear site on the green pcb will be micro dip-switch. Change to 1 and 2 to off position. It should work .
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