Fri Nov 25 2011

ALARA R200 "calibrate Galvo "error code

I have a very bad experience with the CrytalView R 200, or the R200 as It is called on some sites. Bought new,after 1 year and under a low usage it started to malfunction giving errors, starting to pinch the phophorous plate when plate was miss-feeded, miss-feeding beeing more and more frequent.. After that appeared an error "calibrate Galvo". I contacted the ALARA importer and service representative in Europe Ferrex-Vet-Solutions from Germany, and after 3 weeks I received an answer from them : service can be done only in USA. Wow ! What if any of this type of equipment must be serviced at the manufacturer only ?! Another bad surprise : repair costs 7000 USD + shipping costs to USA.( total aprox 9000 USD, almost half price of a new unit ) Trying to find some help at ALARA answer was : only at ALARA can be repaired, Ferrex doesn't have the tool for repair (!) Asking for service manual I even haven't got any answer from ALARA. So if anybody will buy such a unit mayl have the unpleasant surprise that the costs of repair will be almost half of unit's price, in Europe cannot be repaired, the time for repair will be very long doing the fact that only at manufacturer can be done the repair. So question is : if after a couple of months , let's say another year will appear the same malfunction, another 9000 USD has to be paid for maintaining it functional ?

Is anybody using this CR and had the same problem with this error code "calibrate Galvo" I need a service manual if somebody has one, or maybe somebody can help to resolve the problem.

   RE: Computed Radiography Report Post
Fri Jun 19 2015Reply from orusxys
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hello... do you get the service manual? can you helpme please? I need the software for alara r200. Please helpme....

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