The Sterivac 8XL often indicates error E20.
I don't know how to repair?
I hope you can help me.
The Sterivac 8XL often indicates error E20.
I don't know how to repair?
I hope you can help me.
Thank you for help.
I did follow the instructions in the service manual, but this error still occurs.
I want it thoroughly treated.
Also, This machine oftens occurs caution C5, C12. I read the service manual, but I dont much understand.
I hope someone can help me.
Thanks so much.
So the C5 code is an improper temperature warning and the C12 is a calibration problem: it's look like the temperature sensor need calibration. But before go to the ''Clear Silent abort procedure'', with sterilizer powered on, flip the dip switch 3 and 7 (close position) of SW1 (never do 2 and 7 dip switch) on the main board, go to the display (front of the sterilizer) and check is the voltage calibration of the 2.5 volts power supply is good. If negative you have to calibrate the voltage to 2.5 volts on the power supply, if the voltage calibration is ok or when the calibration is done, (please remember that a small voltage offset can do bigs problems), with the power on flip back the 3 and 7 dip switch to open postition, power off the sterilizer, after 10 seconds power on the sterilizer. After that you can perform a ''reset to cycle'', so power off the sterilizer, fip the dip switch 7 ( close position) and power on the sterilizer. On the Display/keyboard enter the master code ''33 stop 3'' . Power off the sterilizer, flip back ( open ) the number 7 dip switch and power on the sterilizer. The C errors code shoulb be cleared.
Electronic technician
C.H.R.D.L. governement hospital