I have updated our Piccolo Xpress, although it can not determine disc when i try to run IQC and gives me a Barcode Format Error 410D...any ideas on the problem?
Barcode Format Error

Best bet would be to contact Abaxis
Here is the contact info for the Piccolo xpress
Piccolo® Xpress Support
Support Center
Phone: 1-800-822-2947
Email: medtechsupport@abaxis.com
Monday – Friday, 5:00 AM – 5:00 PM PST
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First, check the disk for damage to the rotor and try another rotor. Second, dust or blood might have gotten on the barcode reader lens or LED. Try using a cotton-tipped applicator with isopropyl alcohol or distilled water to clean the lens. Replacing the barcode reader would be the next step.
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First, check the disk for damage to the rotor and try another rotor. Second, dust or blood might have gotten on the barcode reader lens or LED. Try using a cotton-tipped applicator with isopropyl alcohol or distilled water to clean the lens. Replacing the barcode reader would be the next step.
but it is sth. about barcode not barcode reader
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Our company can repair this problem for about $200-$250 plus shipping. Please contact me if you need asisstance. Applies to the Abaxis Piccolo Xpress and VS2 models.
James Lantis, President
Seneca Scientific LLC
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