OK, so I was previous looking into the IU33 but now I'm back because I need some information on this tee probe repair. Having to get this repaired is getting tricky because I can't find too much information online. Has anyone sent it away to Axess to have it fixed? I would like to hear a review of how it went for you before I look into it deeper. Thanks!
Tee probe repair

We send ours to Medrad for repair now.
you should give them a call
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Specialized Technologies is now a division of Axess Ultrasound. All we do is repair TEE Probes. We would be happy to look at it for you.
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I would be glad to troubleshoot any issues with your TEE probe over the phone before you send it in. I am Medrad's Technical and Clinical Specialist for ultrasound transducers. I am able to discuss common points of failure as well as common symptoms that are experienced with your probes and systems. Please feel free to call or email. tlucidi@medrad.com or 724-720-5056. Look forward to talking with you !
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We would be more than happy to evaluate your probe free of charge and repair it within 2 weeks. I assume you need an S7-2t repaired and that is completely within our competency. You may also have an X7-2t and we are the only company to consistently repair these down to component level. If you have an S7-3t, we also have great capabilities in pediatric tee repairs. Give us a call at 1.866.586.3744
Website: http://www.mysummitimaging.com/
Phone: 1-866-586-3744
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