I need your help for the following problem
Aloka SSD-4000
S/N M03343
Version: 3.1
After start up, the following error messages appear:
Don´t shut down
sdp doesn´t work:
cvr(0x504) 0x5dff2092
sdp fdp flash rom update (5min)
22.4 -> 22.4
and after a few minutes appears:
sdp tdp flash rom update (5min)
1.0 -> 1.0
After that a windows message appears:
Sdp flash fm
reset error after flash write
We press OK and the following message appears:
Hard no answer
System information code
FM command code buzy
cmd 0x04 para : 0x01
After this, the message error continues on screen but in background we can see the US image.
Can you give me some ideas on how to solve this type of problem ?
Aloka SSD-4000 boot up problem
RE: Ultrasound Systems Report Post

Hello Fanie,
Have any boards been replaced recently? It sounds as though the SDP board has either failed or has been replaced and requires an update to work with the rest of the system.
If that is not the case, I would start with reloading system software. From there, I would check that all voltages are in tolerances. After that I would try reseating the boards one by one.
Finally, I would try going to a minimum configuration to see if that helps.
Outside of those suggestions, we can't offer much more help as we have no documentation for that system.
Good luck!
C&C Medical Solutions, Inc.
Christopher Turner
Phone: 317-219-3616 x103
Fax: 317-770-0560
Yahoo IM: caruso122
Skype IM: cturner122
Email: chris@ccmedicalsolutions.com
C&C Medical Solutions, Inc.
Christopher Turner
Phone: 317-804-8099 x103
Fax: 317-804-8099
Yahoo IM: caruso122
Skype IM: cturner122
Email: chris@ccmedicalsolutions.com
On-Line Store: www.ccmedicalsolutions.com
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Try to delete all the latest patient data.
I think the problem is with the HD drive on the CPU board.
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Hello, I encountered this problem, did you find a solution to it?
Replacing the SDP Board and the Hard Drive will it solve.
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In my case the SDP board had issues and the hard drive bad sectors. So I replaced both and everything worked fine.
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