Wed Jan 11 2012

the high adjustment is not working

The adjustment is not working but both the UCM are working. Only the high adjustment on the left is not working. Service required is not blinking. The cables are good and it is connected properly to the junction board. What seems to be the problem guys? I look forward for your help, thanks!

   RE: Bed Report Post
Wed Jan 11 2012Reply from Todd S
Todd S

Cheese, adjustment? Are you saying the Hi-lo (PT RT HOB) funtion or the head up/down PT RT FT?

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Wed Jan 11 2012Reply from cheese_biomed
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It's the hi-lo sir..The one that's beside the head of the patient (left side). Only the lo key is working. I checked the continuity for the buttons and it's good.

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Thu Jan 12 2012Reply from Todd S
Todd S

Well here's the thing. Siderail controls are funky. I found that the siderails even though are independent go in sequence. In other words, if you have a issue with pt/rt it can be caused by a bad pt/lf cable. It will only take a min but crack open the pt/left (if I recall the series starts there) siderail and temp connect a new cable and see if that corrects your issue. If not try the pt/rt. Those cables fail 80 of the time with no visible damage. I enquired about the failure rate and they said there was a batch produced that had to rigid of wire sheathing that would at sometime cause a broken connection. Not to mention that the cable at the swing point get a massive amount of use due to the raising and lowing of the siderail. Also, check the F2 fuse on the PCB (it effects some strange things on the bed when blown). I hope this helps. Tough when I'm not in front of the unit. And I have never seen a pt/rt or lf hob siderail cable or that little board fail.

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Tue Jan 17 2012Reply from cheese_biomed
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oh sorry i havent open my account here in Medwrench and you are right sir, the problem is on the cable assembly. Thanks a lot for the help sir ! God Bless!

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Tue Jan 17 2012Reply from Todd S
Todd S

Glad to help.

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