I found the battery fried. Replaced it and tried getting in configuration but it won't quit beeping and I can't get in configuration. Any suggestions?
Wed Jan 11 2012
Baxter 6201 constantly beeping
Wed Jan 11 2012Reply from Dean

There is an internal clock/ROM battery, also. I have fixed this issue in the past by replacing that battery, but it only works about half the time. If replacing the internal battery doesn't fix it, it's usually a sign that the main board is fried.
Dean Stephens EET, CBET, CRES
Senior Biomedical Equipment Tech
Intermediate Imaging Equipment Tech
(Not my first rodeo...)
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Wed Jan 11 2012Reply from tjgdjn

I removed that battery and tested it. It is reading 3.069v. I guess it is their board. Thanks for the advise.
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Wed May 30 2012Reply from mouser69
Wed Oct 29 2014Reply from brodak