We are having a problem with some of our Apex Pro telemetry transmitters that has us completely stumped. Some transmitters will work fine on one telemetry system in the hospital but not at all on the other. On the system on which they do not work, we've had GE come in and do a complete antenna survey. They balanced the system and used a spectrum analyzer to confirm the frequencies being used were clean. We sent the problem transmitters in for repair to a thrid party vendor. They said all the tests they run on them show they are working fine. However, they admitted this is a common problem with GE telemetry and in fact, said they have experienced it themselves. A pack will work for them on the receiver in their repair department but not on the receiver in their QC department. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Fri Jan 20 2012
Apex Pro Telemetry Question
Fri Jan 20 2012Reply from jotay32

We've been told this could happen due to a weak signal from the pack (Power) or the leads. We usually send the pack back to GE for repair and they replace pretty much everything. That usually takes care of the problem on our end.
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