Whenever I turn on the machine I would get error 530. What is wrong with my machine?
Thank you very much in advance!!
Whenever I turn on the machine I would get error 530. What is wrong with my machine?
Thank you very much in advance!!
Platform Peripheral Services Failed To Initialize.
Platform Monitor failed to start the Platform Peripheral Services process.
PPS instantiates all the peripheral devices.
Corrective Action
Possible causes: (1) the configuration data is lost or (2) there are problems
with the peripheral devices. Correct any defective peripheral devices. Then
check for defects of the AVIO RIP. If problem persists: reinstall Host
Platform Peripheral Services Failed To Initialize.
Platform Monitor failed to start the Platform Peripheral Services process.
PPS instantiates all the peripheral devices.
Corrective Action
Possible causes: (1) the configuration data is lost or (2) there are problems
with the peripheral devices. Correct any defective peripheral devices. Then
check for defects of the AVIO RIP. If problem persists: reinstall Host
Call us at Summit Imaging and we can definitely help with your issue, 1.866.586.3744. It sounds like a computer problem. If you have an A through C cart it can be your Host or your SIP. If you have a D Cart or higher you may likely need a UMB. We support both.
Thank You Very Much for the replies!
The problem is now fixed. It is the UMB that is causing the problem.
Thank you @summit_larry, Gary, phillipwd@comcast.ne,