Getting word limits when I try to calabrate handle, so I tried a new drive handle same result was told could be CPU replaced it same result. Has anyone had this and what was the resolution?
AMX 4+ word limit on cal handle

I replaced display contoller just trying different things and got it to pass handle calibration but now it keeps giving release handle
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Any error codes? Try adjusting/cleaning/checking hall effect switches for handle (both sides) then check connections and try another recalibration.
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Go into calibration mode when you go into cal handle press the mAs down key as the book saysdo not have a hlod of the handle after it goes thru the zero point set and prompts you to press left fwd push at the same time as you press the left fwd handle. While pressing fwd on left handle press the dwon mAs key it say to press the right fwd handle let go of the left and press right at the same time push fwd on the right side do the same on pull back left side and right side. When Cal handle comes back up press you kVp down key.You are done. The reason you keep getting the error code is you are not pushing the handle or pulling the handle as you follow the instrutions
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