Sat Mar 03 2012

need help

Hi, I work at a childrens hospital in Dallas and I have a question pertaining to the Philips IntelliVue X2, and the pairing system.

We work in the ICU at the hospital, and we recieve patients from multiple areas of the hospital very frequently. When the patients come from certain areas, they will frequently come already under observation from a previous floor using the X2.  If that floor does not "unpair" the monitor before they come to the floor, when we plug in the X2 into our monitoring system, an alarm saying "check pairing" goes off until the monitor is unpaired from the previous monitoring system. As simple as this sounds, there is not a X2 for every bed, so sometimes we have to ask distibution/equipment personell to bring us a X2 monitor. Nonetheless, we frequently find ourselves with a beeping monitor saying "check pairing," with no idea where it is paired to.  Is there not a way to unpair the x2 while in "travel" mode from the small "companion mode" monitor? Thank you so much,


John Roffino

   RE: Vital Signs/Multi-Parameter Report Post
Sat Mar 03 2012Reply from Andrea
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Yes you can have your X2 monitors configured to have a "pair/unpair" button when you press the smart key and if your area is wireless you can press this button and it will unpair that X2 from the parent monitor it came from. If you need any help or further explanation feel free to drop me a line. I  am a Sr. Biomed tech at Children's Medical.

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Wed Jun 26 2013Reply from Medicaltech678
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question: after transporting using the X2, must you rezero invasive pressures? as well you cannot transport additional parameters 2-4? It's unfortunate you lose monitoring of pressures 2-4 on transport.

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