Tue Mar 13 2012

E13, E77 of Sterivac 8XL- Can't open the door.

Both E13,E77 displayed on the panel.

Now, I can't open the door.

Pressure in chamber: 155-160 mbar, so the door can't open.

I dont know how to open the door.

   RE: Sterilizers/Autoclaves Report Post
Tue Mar 13 2012Reply from lloyd
Fri Mar 16 2012Reply from CHRDL HOSPITAL
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To open the door with a E code you need to perform a ''clear silent abort'' With the power on you have to flip the number 3 and 7 dip switch on dip sitch SW1. But be carefull never flip the number 2 and 7 (reset site set up) because you will lost the programation. So when you flip the 3 and 7 dip swith on SW1(dip switch) you wait 2 minutes

, the sterilizer will release the pressure after about 2 to 3 minutes you have to power off the sterilizer, you flip back to open the dip switch 3 with the number 7 switch (close position) and after you power on the sterilizer this will perform a ''reset cycle to idle'', you go to the dispaly and this wrote ''enter master code'', you enter '' 3 stop 33 ', as code. you cobe back to the back of the sterilizer, you power off the sterilizer you flip back to open postition the number 7 dip switch of SWI and you power on the sterilizer. On the display you should have only a C code or not. you start the sterilizer normaly so the C code will desapear and the cycle will start.


CHRDL Hospital

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Mon Mar 19 2012Reply from CHRDL HOSPITAL
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Do you have all these C and E codes problem on the same sterilizer?

If positive, check the 24 volts and 5 volts power supplies. When the powers supplies are defect they made weirds problems. But 2 year ago one of our sterilizer did weirds problems and the only way to fix it was to replace the cpu board.


electronic technician

CHRDL hospital

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Mon Mar 26 2012Reply from soloman255
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Sterivac Machine operated normal.

I used function Vent Solenoid..

Thanks for support always.

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