How is this unit? Does anybody have first hand info?
Sat Mar 24 2012
new synergy on nicolet
Mon Mar 26 2012Reply from GaryBiomed
It works good for us. We have 2 doctors that use it and like it and you can configure all the protocols.
It's too complicated for the 3rd doctor, he just uses a really old unit.
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Mon Mar 26 2012Reply from dm
Thanks Gary, I met local distributor today and had a look at it. The machine and the software look nice and i liked this popup window with rise time. She seemed to have problems with sfemg interface as she could not bring up live dot analysis window. Hopefully, this is just a glith in her programm as I am used to having running dots whilst doing sfemg on my XP keypoint. I may well go back and buy a new keypoint focus. Thanks again, Best regards, David
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