I have an IE that makes the following beep sequence, displays the Philips logo screen in what appears to be CGA resolution (16 color) and then reboots.
beeps: short long short long short long short short
Any idea what that means?
I have an IE that makes the following beep sequence, displays the Philips logo screen in what appears to be CGA resolution (16 color) and then reboots.
beeps: short long short long short long short short
Any idea what that means?
You do not mention whether you have an A cart or what Rev. level it is. By the beeps it sounds as if you many have an A cart. You can tell if the circuit breaker light is green.
If you have an A cart it could be the NAIM or acquisition power supply. Have you tried booting without transducers attached?
Need a lot more information.
from your info I think the philips logo is the LCD logo NOT the US. with that in mind the system itself doesn't start to Boot/bios doesn't even begin to load. try to load sftw if possible otherwise replace the host PC if A-C rev. good luck
i also have problm similar to this.while booting time monitor is on and it displays the letter PHILIPS and all. but at the end stage of booting monitor gets off.if we disconnect the power cable only from monitor and reconnects then monitor shows echo window.can u tell about this problm.prblm with monitor or booting s/w or with system?
Chandy, sounds like your problem is the display. If you can get PHILIPS on the blue background, disconnect the monitor for the rest of the boot cycle then plug the monitor back in to get a scan display it is likely a display problem. Try going through the entire boot sequence with the exising monitor (you'll have to time it) then attach an LCD display. If you then have the scan display replace the monitor.
This is a known issue with the Philips monitor on espeicially on the later Revs. If you can see at least part of the boot sequence and then the monitor goes comletely black without the No Digital input box on the screen then your monitor failed to sync. Unplug monitor power from back of monitor and leave of a couple of minutes and the plug back in. If it is the monitor it will reaquire the sync and you are in business. If this is the cas it is not a video card issue but a monitor issue. If it keeps happening the replace the monitor.
Hello Everyone,
We are having the same where the IE 33 does not boot at all. Has anyone seen a boot error on one of these units that the leds on the cpu which usually show AA now shows 2A and the unit won't boot up?
We recently replaced the UMB and are trying to see if maybe we got a bad one or do we have a different issue. The unit worked for a couple of days after we replaced the UMB. We are waiting on call backs from several people, but I thought I would throw this out to get some other opinions.
We have an F cart with software level of Any ideas?
This seems to be intermittent, even the 2A error. Sometimes it will boot up normally and work for a while.
Thanks in advance.
It may be a defective UMB. Typically "AA" means the UMB is functioning properly. Being stuck at "2A' has required a UMB replacement.
Please contact me at 866-586-3744 and ask for Mike. I have a few things we can try!