when using the 2d gain knob, the gain will just flicker back and forth. The gain will not work properly. the active mode gain works fine. I think it might be a bad pot. Has anyone ran into this problem before? Also does anyone know how to log into the service mode for testing purposes. I know you click on the wrench at the bottom on a vivid 7, but on the Vivid 7 pro there is only a ge icon for remote service. Any help would be great. thanks for your time.
Thu May 03 2012
2d gain will not work
Fri May 18 2012Reply from Kyle_Summit

Does this problem happen with more than one probe, does the probe work on a diffrent machine? if so or not please give us a call here at Summit Imaging and we can trouble shoot your GE machine with you to find a solution. 1-866-586-3744
Manager of Global Education & Training
Website: http://www.mysummitimaging.com/
Phone: 1-866-586-3744
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