Wed May 31 2017

Positioning neonates on the Panda Warmers

How are neonates supposed to be positioned on the Panda warmer? Facing the heat element or away from the heat element?

   RE: Infant Incubators & Warmers Report Post
Wed May 31 2017Reply from BiomedCurt
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I do not believe the warmer has a specification for the direction the baby should face as the radiant heat should be uniform across the entire bed surface, however, at our facility the babies are placed with their feet pointed toward the resusitation system to allow the nurses to assess the patients airway from the end of the bed and for easier ventilation. This is also the direction illustrated in the user manual. I would suggest you call GE clinical support for a firm answer on this, especially because this forum is more for technical related questions and not clinical questions.

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Thu Jan 17 2019Reply from Sam Locke
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From a technical perspective, the radiant heat is highest at the center and reduces fairly linearly as you approach the edges of the mattress. The ellipical dish is designed to produce very little heat beyond the mattress edge, so that the care-giver does not get hot. Hope that helps you decide positioning.

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