i need a service manual,
can you help me?
MedWrench is available to help people with specific questions and troubleshooting problems. Could you please be more specific with the issue that you are having with your instrument , and the MedWrench team will do their best to assist you in solving the issue. This will also help other community members who face similar challenges.
Good night, I have some information that can be helpfull for you .
Please let me know about the problem that you have with this instrument.
Also let me know where you are.
Luis Henao.
Hi,,, as you mentioned you need a service manual, but , a service manual of which innstrument...
Luis Henao.
In the very center of the rotor, remove the rotor tiedown bolt by turning it clockwise while holding the rotor. Once the tiedown bolt is removed, simply pick the rotor up. If you have any additional questions, call 800-457-7576 and ask for Randy.
Is there lock-tite on the thread, because otherwise it seems quite tightly in there.
There are three socket screws should I remove those first?
There should not be lock tite on the threads. I use a 5/32 allen wrench and place it through the hole in the tiedown bolt. While holding the rotor (with the lid removed), turn the tiedown bolt clockwise and it should come out. Do not take the three socket screws out...they simply hold the shaft adapter to the rotor and removal will not allow you to remove the rotor.