Sat May 26 2012

ask vela motor fault

Our ventilator vela shows messege "motor fault," Inop and alarm

   RE: Ventilator Report Post
Sun Oct 25 2020Reply from daniel biomedics
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The following description of the event was documented by a carefusion tech support specialist in response to an e-mail from the foreign importer's (distributor's) rep. "vela s/n (b)(4), turbine p/n 16350 s/n (b)(4). Using time: 912h. Install in: (b)(6). Ventilator did not supply gas and alarm blew when it was using on (b)(6) 2010. Event noted alarm motor fault. After (b)(4) repaired and adjustment, we sent it back to hospital. Machine did not supply gas and no alarm again when it was using on (b)(6) 2010. Event noted nothing about the alarm. So we took it back from the hospital and operated it 72h, no failure occurs. Tech person of carefusion recommends replace turbine first. So we apply for a new one. This picture is the event. User had not changed the time. This is the info provided by our dealer, he claims his unit is alarming "motor fault" and the unit stops delivering flow, he claims our svc mgr in (b)(4) work on this problem and make some adjustments, but the problem came back, unit does not deliver flow, but there was no alarms this time. He communicated these issues to care fusion tech-support personnel, and he was told to replace the turbine. A turbine is going to be ordered for this unit. ".

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Tue Nov 24 2020Reply from CMB7


Has this issue been resolved?

Regards, Michel.

C. Michel Bessette, RRT (Canada #72-659)

Servicios Tecnicos CMB7

535 Canteval,

Ottawa, Canada

Mobile: 6138185321


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Wed Dec 30 2020Reply from daniel biomedics
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Hi good day.

We have advanced some studies investigating this type of failure with interesting conclusions. Could you explain to me what are the fan failures, alarms, and its behavior. thanks

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