I have a table stuck in the down position acting like the battery is near death. Catch 22 is how do I get the table up high enough to access the base where the batteries are located. Every time I turn the handset on and try any operation it immediately turns itself off. I am assuming I may need to use a lifting device to lift the table top up to gain access to the base. Also, is there a service manual available??
Maquet Alphastar plus/ 1132 surgical table

The user manual is uploaded on the Resource Tab of the Product's Page. You can access it here.
Jayme McKelveyVice President of Sales | MD PublishingPhone: (800) 906-3373Follow me on Facebook or LinkedIn
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Thank you Jayme. I am trying to locate a service manual, as I need detailed schematics and have multiple issues. If anyone has repair experience with this table, I would appreciated hearing from you.
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I am reaching out to a few contacts, and hopefully will find the service manual.
Jayme McKelveyVice President of Sales | MD PublishingPhone: (800) 906-3373Follow me on Facebook or LinkedIn
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These tables use pots to tell cpu where things are. With out doc's its tough. I have replaced pots before with out there service software. It is try & try, adj pot, try again. 1st find the section not working. Then find the pot. You can use an analog meter or o-scope to see if the pot is dirty. Always measure and record the wiper value before removing or adj.
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It sounds like the hand control cable. The part # is 0200.4293. I would not suspect low battery level unless battery light is blinking. The hand controler runs off of 5v dc and communicates comands through a serial interface. If the cable is broken it will act just as you say. Try a different had controler if avaible. There is also a bypass on the table byholding the “on” button and “up” button on the column of the table. The on button turns on the motor and then you can execute any movement with the other buttons.
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