Mon Jun 11 2012

Annual medical gas testing, alarms, valves,etc.

Are there any certification requirements for the annual testing of previously installed oxygen, nitrous oxide, nitrogen and vaccum delivery systems including alarm panels, valves and outlets, specifically in Ohio

   RE: Medical Gas Monitor Report Post
Mon Jun 18 2012Reply from alderichemond
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Dear Mr. Hunt,

NFPA 99 governs medical gas and vacuum systems (MGVS). The standard is voluntary,  although  it is mandatory in some states and the Joint Commission. As to inspections, NFPA 99 requires inspections on new installations and after repairs or additions (see section 5.1.12 2005 edition). Several organizations recommend anual inspections of the entire system for mechanical integrity, proper operation, labeling, pressure, and flow. In high use areas (e.g., ER, OR) inspections should be more frequent. Alarms have should be tested periodically depending on the alarm.

While no inspection (other than for new installations, etc) is required, MGVS are considered life-critical systems, and, as such, should be periodically inspected. These are mechanical and electrical systems that are subject to wear and damage that, if not properly maintained, can lead to catastrophic failures. Thus it makes sense from a safety and maintanence viewpoint to perodically inspect the system from source to points of use.

Al de Richemond, M.S., P.E.

certified MGVS inspector.



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Mon Jul 09 2018Reply from Medical Testing Solutions LLC
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The guidelines governing medical gas inspections are federal law, not specific to Ohio. Annual inspections are required per NFPA guidlines. Here is a detailed article we wrote on inspections. Medical Gas Inspections 

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