Tue Jul 03 2012

EtcO2 Calibration

Need the calibration kit but do not have enough machines to justitify the cost. I have the calibration gas and regulator but there is a flow meter as well. Does anyone out there have this kit that can tell me the specs on the flow meter

   RE: Defibrillator Report Post
Fri Jul 13 2012Reply from Rix
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It takes two gasses to actually calibrate the unit, a 5% and a 10%. I used the 5% from a cal gas for another monitor and a 10% which I happened to have for a Mindray unit. The flowmeter need to read to about 300 ml max. Be aware that the proceedure in the service manual requires a good read thru. I found that one first has to check the cal, thru a specific proceedure then perform the cal, again thru a specific proceedure, and then check the cal AGAIN following calibration followed by a complete "OPERATIONAL CHECK" in order to clear the "calibration required" message. This same type of routine is required when calibrating the NIBP, as well. Good Luck. Note: manuals located in the resources tab of the product details at MedWrench.

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