Wed Feb 03 2021

Client says monitors are reading too high

I'm trying to find the BP tolerances for measurement so I can determine if it's actually measuring too high with my Pronk Simcube

   RE: Vital Signs/Multi-Parameter Report Post
Wed Feb 03 2021Reply from Bill L.
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Plus or minus 3mmHg during Pressure Transducer Verification in Service Manual. A simulator is not used for accuracy per the Service Manual. 

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Wed Feb 03 2021Reply from Chris S
Chris S

You can also change the NIBP algorithm the monitor uses which will affect the reading on a sim and a patient. 

n AUSC if the monitor is configured with auscultatory NIBP Algorithm

n STAT if the monitor is configured with DINAMAP SuperSTAT Algorithm

n CLAS if the monitor is configured with DINAMAP Classic Algorithm

In my experience, SuperStat will cause the NIBP readings to appear high when compared to other manufacturer monitors.

Official MedWrench Guru
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Fri Feb 05 2021Reply from Deanna Wilkinson
Deanna Wilkinson

It depends on the make/model of your monitor.  The Pronk SimCube comes with a guide that gives you an approximation of the tolerances for certain makes and models of the monitor.  I will send you a copy of it to Kari.  It is near the back of the manual.  

Generally though, it depends on the device, but the person earlier in this thread is correct that +/- 3 mmHg is standard.  But again, the Pronk SimCube Operator's Manual lists the different tolerances for different makes and models of VSMs.

Good Luck!

Deanna Wilkinson, CBET

Deanna Wilkinson - MedWrench Guru
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