Tue Mar 02 2021


Service manual for Storz Urban Global US-1 examination microscope or users manual for the scope I am unfamiliar with the Storz Urban scope and was looking for a generak service manual to help guide me in the repair and restoration of three scopes I acquired. If there is someone who knows this scope wellI woulkd appreciate the chance to speak with you even briefly. I do need several parts as well but I will handle that in a different post

   RE: Microscope-Surgical Report Post
Tue Mar 02 2021Reply from Ben C
Ben C

MedWrench is available to help people with specific questions and troubleshooting problems. Could you please be more specific with the issue that you are having with your instrument, and the MedWrench team will do their best to assist you in solving the issue. This will also help other community members who face similar challenges.

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Wed Mar 10 2021Reply from Mromato
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I was wondering if there are any Manufacturer's suggested service requirements for the Scope. 

I don't like to assume, but usually Storz, Stryker, and Olympus are generally not good at following regulations that they claim to be in compliance with. 

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Tue Oct 10 2023Reply from Microscope Man
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Do you have any specific questions about the microscope?  I have worked on them for years and probably have run into your problems.  Other than that, they are usually pretty easy to repair.

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