BC2800 when starting the device the error "BLANK ABNORMAL" appears and the platelets are high.
Wed Mar 10 2021
Wed Mar 10 2021Reply from portella
This is a regular situation with the BC2800, especially if left unused for a while.
Just perform the Probe Cleanser and E-Z Cleanser.
if the PLT is still high, check the tube on the inner left side of the machine, the one that brings in the Diluent. Make sure it is clean. You can remove it and flush it out with a cleaning agent.
These two points should get you sorted. All the best.
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Thu Mar 11 2021Reply from Arthurw
Thu Apr 08 2021Reply from Arthurw
I cleaned the chamber, and the tubes were poorly fitted to the diluent outlet, rust ended up falling into the solution and it was read as platelets. Solved
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