Tue Jun 08 2021

Tabletop moves transversely freely . Transverse movement inoperable. Longitudinal movement functioning.

I couldn't figure out why this is. The longitudinal movement looks like it's powered by a chain and motor. But the transverse movement seems to be powered by two little plastic gears? I haven't been able to study the schematic so i'm just going off what I can see. But that doesn't seem correct as I can't imagine two little plastic gears sturdy enough to move a 600lb patient side to side. So if it's not the gears what belt or chain do I need to find and how do I access it? And why is it not operating? Did it slip off? Thanks for all your help everyone.

   RE: DR Systems Report Post
Tue Jun 08 2021Reply from Ben C
Ben C

What is the name of the manufacturer and model of the equipment you are working on? 

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Tue Jun 08 2021Reply from JohnGeeWhiz
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Siemens uroskop omnia max 

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Wed Jun 09 2021Reply from JohnGeeWhiz
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If anyone else experiences this issue, it is the pinion gear pin. Apparently it will slip out sometimes and housekeeping will sweep it up or throw it away not realizing what it is. It's the gear that is attached to the little 24vdc motor 

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