Smith's Medical Medfusion 4000 - After replacing the Main PCB, with the pump powered off, I press and hold the Decimal and Power buttons to initiate the software configuration install from the Interconnect PCB but, it never takes. Am I doing something wrong? Am I supposed to allow the pump to alarm for 5 minutes or something? According to the manual, you power off after you get the alarm but, my pump alarms immediately after starting the update . Also, how do I get the new Main PCB to register the battery? The new board literally detects no battery stats at all. Thanks.
Wed Jun 30 2021
Install New v6 Main PCB
Wed Jun 30 2021Reply from Ben C
What is the name of the manufacturer and model of the equipment you are working on?
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Thu Jul 01 2021Reply from BMETSlayer21
Thu Jul 01 2021Reply from Ben C