Please help. I cant seem to turn on the end tidal anesthesia gas readings or MAC
Thu Feb 17 2022
End tidal anesthesia gases not working
Thu Feb 17 2022Reply from BrentS
Make sure you have the correct frame type setting in the service screen. If you have an issue with your sram battery retaining it, performed a factory reset or someone had set it improperly it will only work as a standard patient monitor without gas support. Refer to the service/owner manual for the frame setting. If you have to change the setting, make sure your monitor supports the correct frame type, save it and restart the monitor. Then go to your screen parameter settings and populate the area you want with the new field. Once this is done, you will need to save the new screen parameter settings otherwise once you restart the monitor it will revert back to the previous screen display.
Brent SilviusAnesthesia TechnicianBiomedical Sales and
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