Mon Jan 02 2023

error 25

Technical error - 25? I want a solution to this problem

   RE: Ventilator Report Post
Tue Jan 03 2023Reply from Ray Brown, CBET
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Ok, you'll need the service tool to explore deeper. 25 is a communications error between one board and the rest of the boards. Get into the Technical Alarm Log, and the number after the error points to the suspect board. There's too many to list here in this message. Report back with the ID # and we'll go from there. 

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Tue Jan 03 2023Reply from Chris S
Chris S

As with most issues on these devices it seems, you just have to swap parts until the problem is resolved.  The service manual suggests the following order: 

I would personally start with the easier to swap components in the pneumatic section.

Depending on ID #. If repeated, replace parts as follows: 0

: Report to MCC HSC for further information.

1: PC 1772 Monitoring.

2: PC 1775 Plug-and-play back-plane.

3: PC 1778 DC/DC & Standard Connectors.

4: PC 1781 Inspiratory pressure transducer. 5: PC 1781 Expiratory pressure transducer.

6: O2 cell or O2 cell cable or PC 1772 Monitoring.

32: PC 1784 Expiratory channel or PC 1772 Monitoring.

33: Gas module Air or PC 1772 Monitoring.

34: Gas module O2 or PC 1772 Monitoring.

35: PC 1772 Monitoring.

256: PC 1771 Control.

512: PC 1777 Panel. 784: N/A

Official MedWrench Guru
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Tue Jan 03 2023Reply from Denova Medical
Denova Medical

That is a commincation error between the Monitoring PCB 1772 and everything else in the ventilator. This could be a hardware or software failure. The first thing you should do is reinstall the SW software because the software may be corrupt. The SW (service software) is only available to Maquet field service or to people that have attended their training school and bought it. You can also use the SW software to troubleshoot, if that does not fix it, as you randomly swap every board to identify which one is not communicating. This is not an easy problem to trouble shoot. FYI: The user display and lower pneumatic unit have to match ID. If you swap a display, you will need to reload the SW software.

Photios Peter Dalamagas Denova Medical Inc (704)-233-7574

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Thu Mar 07 2024Reply from Arash.Ghafoori
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Dear all

I have two equipment one servoi and one servos , which both of them have :

Technical error 25 ID0 Err:1

I passed two time of maquet trining courses on 2002 and again 2012.

I am expert of these ventilators. but as you know it is wrote in their service manuals , about this error:

Report to MCC hc...

but as I am not no longer in its distributor , and I am working alone , I wa t to repair them by myself.

also , I knew that error should be repair by replacing the pc1777 in monitor back of lcd. but I want to repair it without replacing boards.  

I am going to make a copy of program of Pal Eeprom on that board from an ok machine on these two faulty machines.

meanwhile , for your information , when this error appear , the ventilator can not show the serial number and software version and operating time in the Status menu , general Tab.

what is your opinion in this regards.  would you please let me know if you have/had similar problem and how do you repair that? 

Is this action I said , ok , by your opinion?

best regards


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