I have a Panda warmer that the bed will not go up or down. I have tried the pedals on both sides, still no response. However, I when I press the pedals, I do hear a relay clicking. Please help.
Equipment: GE Healthcare - Panda iRES
I have a Panda warmer that the bed will not go up or down. I have tried the pedals on both sides, still no response. However, I when I press the pedals, I do hear a relay clicking. Please help.
Equipment: GE Healthcare - Panda iRES
You may have already checked this, but in Operations Menu, Setup I think, make sure Elevate is enabled. I think you can check it in Service Mode also. Look in Service Mode Diagnostics to see if you can test the pedals, but I may be confusing Panda and Giraffe menus.
Check settings in User Menu. If the E-Base is
disabled and user is unable to enable, check the
Service Mode to ensure elevating base is enabled.
Change to enable and save settings.
You may also want to look in chapter 4 of the service manual for other tips.
I have a copy if needed.
If you are in need of immediate assistance please feel free to reach out directly to our sponsors. They are happy to help.
Just be sure to tell them you were referred by MedWrench
Manuals are available from the GE website for reference: https://customer-doc.cloud.gehealthcare.com/copyDoc/M1128921/T