Tue Jun 27 2023

plum360 software update failures

We are in the process of updating MANY of these 360 pumps across my hospital network. It seems 1 in 6 to 1 in 4 seem to freeze up on file 5 of 5 while running this update resulting in a "software error" message on the display at start-up. Sometimes the download can be requested again and complete successfully. Sometimes a network certificate password reset can correct this concern. Sometimes a drug library re-install followed by continuing update can correct this concern. A "shotgun" solution seems to be to reset the device to defaults, re-configure the network, finish the download, then re-install drug library (this may have to be performed multiple times but always results in a correction). My 3 questions are:

1) Does anyone know WHY this is occuring?

2) Does anyone know HOW TO PREVENT this from occuring?


3) Is their a consistently effective and faster way to correct this issue when it does occur?

Thank you, Friends!


Resetting the network certificate password first does not affect the failure rate.

Network connection is always verified prior to beginning software update.

Almost all updates have been performed over wifi. To test a possible weak link I updated one batch of 16 pumps half on wired connection and half on wifi and the 2 that failed in this batch were on the wired network and none of the wifi ones failed. The next batch of all wifi connected pumps had 4 fail.

   RE: Infusion Pump Report Post

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