We're seeking an 'open' MRI with the largest possible height beteen the platform and the underside of the top of the unit, a dimension I believe that is called the 'gap'.
I cannot find the Signa Ovation 0.35 T listed among the model options on this MedWrench questioin tool, so I've selected another Signa model (i.e. Signa HDxt 1.5T) just to be able to pose the following question here.
A data sheet I've seen on the open Signa Ovation 0.35T MRI says "...Biggest gap for patient comfort..." Does anyone know what that actual dimension is?
Does anyone know what might be the largest gap available in any open MRI, considering all brands and models that may be available?? Actual dimension? Manufacturer? Model?
Wee're trying to find out if there is a truly 'open' MRI available -- not an 'open-bore' type -- that can accommodate a front-to-back dimension of at least 22 inches....and sometimes betwwwn 22 in. and 24 in, when the stomach muscles are distended. We've had lots of problems with open-bore MRI's not onlt becasue of my nephew's mass but also becasue of his EXTREME claustrophobia.