Hello to everyone.
I'm new here and just signed up to this forum.
I have a question in hope that anyone here can help me to deal with my Tuttnauer EZ9 High Temp Errors.
My unit could heat up to 270 degrees and then when it started the sterilization cycle, the temperature the pressure could go up to about 4psi, but the temperature continued to rise to 275 and the unit displayed High Temp and it aborted.
I had opened up all the 3 of the 4 valves (the bottom most inward I couldn't remove it) to clean up everything to make sure nothing was blocked and the plunger was in a working order. I replaced with a new Temperature Sensor and a new Relay but the unit not working. The water pump is working and it pumps water to the chamber so it is not the issue with not having enough water in the chamber.
At this point I have no clue what I could do next to fix this issue. I hope someone on this forum can help me to point out what I should do next.
Thanks in Advance!
Equipment: Tuttnauer - EZ9P