I bought my Urolab 8 years ago.
In this moment when I performed an uroflowmetry, the numeric data appear in the paper, but the graphic (curve) or uroflow don´t.
What can I do?
Thanks for all
Dr Julio Potenziani
email jcpotenziani@gmail.com
Thu Mar 17 2011
LifeTeach Urolab. Dr Potenziani
Mon Mar 21 2011Reply from Robert_Hijazi-U.S. Biomedical Services

Hello Dr.P,
I have actually experienced this problem during installation. I found that the cables have special colors, and or symbols, and they must be matched up with the connectors, which should have the same symbol or color next to it.
Check your cables under the unit and ensure they have not been swapped. Based on your symptoms, I believe that you either have a loose connection, or someone may have accidentally swapped them around.
Hope this helps,
Robert Hijazi
[url=http://www.usbiomedicalservices.com/Home.html]U.S. Biomedical Services[/url]
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