Wed Apr 06 2011


How are you doing? we are facing problem with mylab 50 x-VisionThe serial & Probe No. of the MyLab 50 X-Vision machine is as under:- Sr No. 98073590020(Mylab X-Vision) Probe No. 1 SN 01308 Probe No. 2 SN 02704 The Probe side is fully functional while the Patient ID / PC side is not opening / working. Kindly inform me about the solution of problem. " "When shut down procedure is not correctly done, MyLab could not correctly work allowing only operations in Real Time (no measure, annotation, archive .. operations is possible)" An early action in this regard will be appreciated. we seek your help in this matter. Please let us know as soon as you can.

   RE: Ultrasound Systems Report Post
Wed Apr 06 2011Reply from GaryBiomed
Here's the contact to the closest Esaote to Pakistan. You may want to call them if it's pretty urgent. Esaote Asia Pacific Diagnostic Private Limited F - 1, Level 1, Global Arcade, Near Global Business Park, M.G. Road, Gurgaon (Haryana) - 122002 INDIA Tel. +91 124 4775600 Fax +91 124 4775699 [url=][/url]

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Thu Apr 07 2011Reply from Saqib Raza
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Dear Muhammad Javaid Please tell me your country name and where is your MyLab Unit. your My Lab's PC board is not working you have mylab service key?

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