Hi. Does any one have a service manual for these B.Braun vista units? Thanks for your assistance
Thu Apr 28 2011
Service Manual
Thu Apr 28 2011Reply from GaryBiomed

Robert this B. Braun Infusomet FM ooks pretty close to the Vista Basic.
Can it be a different name for a different country?
Here is the service manual for the infusomet FM
And for the Infusomet FMS
Error code list
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Thu Apr 28 2011Reply from Robert_Hijazi-U.S. Biomedical Services

Hey Gary.
Thanks alot.
would you mind sending me your contact info to rhijazi@usbiomedicalservices.com?
I really appreciate your assistance.
Robert Hijazi
[url=http://www.usbiomedicalservices.com/Home.html]U.S. Biomedical Services[/url]
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Thu May 12 2011Reply from happy123
Tue May 31 2011Reply from Director of Marketing

I am the Director of Marketing for the Infusion Pump business at B Braun Medical. I happened to see your question. Note the following:
(1)the Infusomat fms is NOT similar to the Vista basic. The devices have different settings, they use different tubing composition and they have different specifications.
(2)We provide service manuals anyone who comes to our Dallas facility and takes the specific biomedical training that supports the particular product. That is why we do not mass distribute service manuals.
Eric Melanson
Eric Melanson
Director of Marketing
B Braun Medical
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Tue Oct 01 2013Reply from BESToR
Tue Oct 01 2013Reply from Director of Marketing

We provide the Vista basic Service manual upon completion of our Vista basic Service Training course offered periodically at our Carrollton, TX facility.
Eric Melanson
Director of Marketing
B Braun Medica.
Eric Melanson
Director of Marketing
B Braun Medical
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