how much liter helium is required for 1.5 Tesla Siemens MRI machine
Tue May 03 2011
level of helium
Tue May 03 2011Reply from GaryBiomed
You may want to contact Praxair
They refill them
It has Zero helium boil off and only needs checked every 10 years.
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Tue May 03 2011Reply from Shannon8
Wed May 04 2011Reply from paul1100
The Seimens Espree is an Oxford OR122 magnet.
Helium vessel is 980L total capacity for reading of 100%
Minimum level for operation is 40%
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Wed May 04 2011Reply from GaryBiomed
Sun Jan 20 2013Reply from Philips_MRI_Expert
I would recommend checking the level at least a few times a week.
10yrs is wishful thinking at best
The cryogenic systems need service at least every 3-4 years so I would surely recommend checking many many times prior to the 10 year mark.
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Mon Feb 02 2015Reply from Nagasse