Tue Jul 10 2012


When I plug my earphones in to watch tv while I walk I get an annoying buzzing sound so much that it will give me a headache after 5 min. Comcast has already checked it and they said in is being caused by the machine.

I'm disabled and I really need to walk, but it is easy for me not do it if I have to listen to that noise.

   RE: Treadmill Report Post
Wed Jul 11 2012Reply from GaryBiomed

You should getting a Ground loop isolator from radio shack.

here's one from amazon.


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Tue Jul 12 2022Reply from JojiJo
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I have a constant headache because of listening to music in general, and I don't think there's a problem with my earphones

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Fri Jul 15 2022Reply from halomutov
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Oh, I used to have the same problem, and I can tell you it was awful. But my headache wasn't caused by music for sure, it was only increasing because of it, and I managed to get rid of it when I discovered private label cbd products UK , and cbd oil helps me cope with it. And I got my health checked, it's all because of the stress.

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