cannot replace battery without power
replacing battery

Sarah Peach,
Can you be a little more specific in regards to the information you are looking for? Are you looking for instruction or ideas on how to replace the battery without power?
Jayme McKelveyVice President of Sales | MD PublishingPhone: (800) 906-3373Follow me on Facebook or LinkedIn
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Nice catch 22, isn't it!? The batteries are under the base cover but you can't raise the base without power. Double check with Steris, but I believe that the table top can be raised manually with either 4-6 weight lifters or a well placed fork lift. That should gain you the access you need BUT again, double check with Steris first and be ready to prop the table top in a raised position.
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It can be done. There are 2 methods.
1. Undo the four screw holding the top concertina turret cover form the flexible joint. Seperate this cover. It will split down the seam no each side. DO the same with each subsequent cover then when the big base piece is exposed, make sure the power cord is unplugged, reach down inside the cover to undo the latch at the bottom of the join. Undo screw the 2 standard head screws at the top of the join. Seperate these covers and you have access.
2. The Steris way. According to the manual, in the event of hydraulic/motor/battery failure the bed can be moved in all articulations manually. This uses the power from the 2 small SLA batteries to power the hydraulic solenoids. These are controlled by the small toggle switches on the side under the little cover. Even the locking feet can be activated this way. To do any movement, select and hold the desired switch, on the side for bed movement, or behind the foot pump pedal for lockig feet, and pump the foot pump. Voila.
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If there is any power in the "control batteries" you can press the up button and use the manual pump. In my experience most of the time the motor batteries are shot, but there is enough power to use that manual pump. worth a try.
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