hi the lower warming cabinet wont heat above 85f
problem with dsw2ae lower

I'm having the same problem with mine but with the top compartment. Did you find a solution? If so please email me at daniel_dockery@chs.net
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I have the manuals (such as they are). Do you want them?
Dean Stephens EET, CBET, CRES
Senior Biomedical Equipment Tech
Intermediate Imaging Equipment Tech
(Not my first rodeo...)
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Hi Dean,
Do you have any part numbers for the blanket warmer? I amd trying to find the part number to the fan in the lower compartment.. Why is this so difficult? The documents show it simply as #8....really?
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Hi Art!
Have you checked the relay that drives the heater assy? Check that the heater assy is hot when running as opposed to heat simply coming down from the other chamber.. 85F sounds like ambient from the other chamber to me... just a thought..
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I am having a heating problem top. Bottom heats just fine. if you have manual for the Continental Metal Products Model #DSW2AE-2 serial number D0734
I would apprecieat it. I can't find a repair tech anywhere in AZ that can resolve my problem.
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Hi Dean,
Please send me ANY manual you may have for the DSW2AE-2 warming cabinet. I would really appreciate it. I am also having an issue with the lower cabinet not heating. Are there parts still available for this model?
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Yes, parts are still available, I had to replace the main board to fix my problem. Can't remember the exact amount but it came with a 5 year warranty plus some extra replacement parts. Call this number: 781-935-4400 and get to tech support.
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Is there a temperature calibration procedure for these warmers? I am reading 126F in my single chamber warmer set and cycling at 119F. I am sure there is a potentiometer or something to tweak...
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