Fri May 13 2011

Slow when multitasking

Not sure what happened but we have 3 different machines at 3 different locations, They all starting running extremely slow when they are multitasking. (Like doing a study and freezing it, takes forever) We thought maybe virus or just do what GE always tells you to do, reinstall the software. But this doesn't help. I'm thinking about adding more ram, but I'm not sure what has changed to cause this problem?

   RE: Ultrasound Systems Report Post
Fri May 13 2011Reply from CCMS, Inc.
CCMS, Inc.
Hi Gary, How many patients are listed in your database? Is the system on a Network? I would try removing it from the network to see if that is causing the issue first. If that seems to help, the next step would be to get your IT folks involved as the LOGIQ 9 is eating up resources while communicating over your network to the DICOM server. They will hopefully have some specialized tools to help with isolating if the LOGIQ 9 is having issues or the DICOM Server is having issues with sending/receiving packets. If that is not applicable or doesn't help try backing up the entire patient datasase on to CD/DVD/MO as well as images and then delete all the patients from the built in LOGIQ 9 hard drive. Again, I stress this heavily, make sure the media that you back up to has all of the backed up patient data as well as images before you delete any data stored on the built in LOGIQ 9 hard drive. Best regards, Chris

C&C Medical Solutions, Inc.


Christopher Turner

Phone: 317-804-8099 x103

Fax: 317-804-8099

Yahoo IM: caruso122

Skype IM: cturner122


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Mon May 16 2011Reply from GaryBiomed
Chris thanks for the great input! We replaced the whole BEP(PC) on Friday, then it crashed Friday evening. (refurbished unit from parts source). I got called back to work so I added 2gig of ram to the old BEP and put it back in the unit. They have to wait for a couple patients to see if it acts up again. The system is on a network, I was wondering about network problems also. They pull up worklists and they upload all images after the study. I can have them unplug the unit from the wall after pulling up the worklist. Then they can do the study and see if they have any issues, then plug the unit back into the wall and upload the images. The backup of patient data isn't really a big deal since everything is stored on the dicom server. Just maybe back up recent patients. Thanks, Gary

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Mon May 16 2011Reply from Ted Lucidi, CBET
Ted Lucidi, CBET
I agree with first thoughts leaned towards a network issue. If the problem is affecting all three systems in the same manner, the root cause should be more global-ish. I would focus your energies on only 1 system. This would make it possible to monitor (and measure) the changes that you implement. I'm anxious to see how the systems behave once they are disconnected from the network. Keep us updated. Regards,

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Mon May 16 2011Reply from CCMS, Inc.
CCMS, Inc.
You're quite welcome Gary - glad I could help! Regards, Chris

C&C Medical Solutions, Inc.


Christopher Turner

Phone: 317-804-8099 x103

Fax: 317-804-8099

Yahoo IM: caruso122

Skype IM: cturner122


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