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RE: Vascular Testing System Report Post

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These Instruments, in fact mostly Biomedical Test Equipment had, back in the day and now to a large extent, code and passwords, Test Key Locks etc.
The other HDD you used had an entirely different config and and it was not associated with the Serial Number of your machine.
The only Source for that Key is Nicolet unless they deleted it from their data base, given the age but it is worth trying to contact them.
The KeyCodes are associated with the exact machine they are progrogrammed with giving the Company Constant Control over Most Equipment when it is resold. Often they just give it to you at this point and help you install it; it is saved in their Database by Serial Number, more likely to give it to the ORIGINAL they have on file for the machine, just say you are hehe\
T. Warren
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Can you tell me what is the sound card in this system? I need to do a clean install of win 98 SE.
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