how to know that the failure is from processor or motherboard?
Mon Jun 06 2011
motherboard or processor?
Mon Jun 06 2011Reply from Gantry

1.what are the symtoms?
When diagnosing whether it is the motherboard or the processor, there are a few basic things to look for. Processor damage is usually pretty obvious; the computer will completely fail to operate, unable to even run the BIOS (Basic Input Output System) firmware. This can also be caused by memory failure. Replace the memory with known good memory, and see if the problem persists.
Motherboard problems are a little more difficult to detect, as a motherboard is not a single piece of silicon. Typically, a motherboard failure is actually a failure of one of the components soldered to the motherboard, such as the USB controller, or the hard drive controller chips. But often, the problem is with one of the main controller chips on the motherboard, which will cause to the computer to stop functioning altogether. There isn't any good way to discern this from a processor failure, other than to replace the processor; this isn't always possible.
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Mon Jun 06 2011Reply from xrayxpert

Put the processor into another working unit if you have one. Carefully of course, using anti static procedures and properly using heat-sink compound and the heat sink apperatus. Then fire it up and check for errors. Otherwise, without being able to do the above....your kind of gambling....be prepared to possibly have to add either a board or a processor to your stock parts. Good Luck!
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Mon Jun 06 2011Reply from CCMS, Inc.

What are the symptoms?
Can you tell me how you narrowed it down to the processor or the motherboard?
There are quite a few other things that could lead you down the wrong path. There may be a bad power supply for example or a board on the buss that dragging down the processor.
C&C Medical Solutions, Inc.
Christopher Turner
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On-Line Store: www.ccmedicalsolutions.com
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Mon Jun 06 2011Reply from xrayxpert

Agree with Chris but I didn't question you on your troubleshooting or how you came about the processor vs. the board. It could be MANY things...corrupt software, loose connections, bad data cable....ect.
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Fri Jul 15 2022Reply from halomutov